We are an innovative, cost-effective coach hire website in the UK. We find others doing the same event or location, group you together and then create a coach service that didn’t exist before. This is perfect for events likes concerts, weddings or festivals that don’t have good transport links from your home town. So if you have tickets to an event or need to hire a bus in Scotland, England or Wales then check out fillmybus.com or email info@fillmybus.com.
Or if you are organising a wedding or private wedding, we can create a free booking page for your group so each person can book and pay for their own seat. That can save the bride and groom the cost of wedding coach hire or the person organising the group activity the inconvenience of chasing everyone for money.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for in our events or bus share sections then simply click Request a Bus and we will put the details on our website and see if there are others around you who are also attending the event. This means you don’t have to worry about staying overnight in a hotel, catching the last train, walking in the rain or choosing a designated driver.
Even if you aren’t going to an event but simply visiting somewhere and think others might want to go too, then we will check the details and post them on the Bus Share part of the website and see if anyone wants to join you. Therefore, if you check the website regularly then you will find fun and interesting trips and activities that no-one else offers.
We have partnered up with the best local bus companies in regions nationwide. Cities and areas we cover with include Edinburgh, London, Aberdeen, Newcastle, Glasgow, Northumberland, Cumbria, Swansea, Cheshire, Lancashire, Cornwall and the Scottish Borders,